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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
chocolate posted at 3:29 PM | 0 Noticed Me

i went to school toda, trying to hand in the form for the six choices of schools. i finally reached school, went to the general office. AND THEY TELL ME THAT MY PARENTS HAVE TO GO. sigh. so i went back home and made such a wasted trip.

anyway, i'm not joining ice-skating anymore. my father scolded me on sunday night. cause we were choosing our 6 choices and then he scolded me and went on and on about why i didn't get better results. then he started hinting to me that i souldn't join. so what did i do? i told me that i changed my mind, and didn't want to join anymore. sigh. there goes my dream.

so i have to go to school again with my mother. oh well.

Sunday, November 26, 2006
chocolate posted at 12:57 PM | 0 Noticed Me

RAH.i made more poems today. out of total boredom.

this is the first one which i had help from germaine, my sister:
this uneartly peace;its hollow;its surreal;
every minute i judge this world
this lonesome;hurtful;unpitying world

try as i may
to forget the pain;
i try to believe
yet all faith deserts me

it pains me
to see you go;
i'll never know how to continue

i lie in my bed at night
never stop thinking of you;
your name tattoed in my heart
i never want us to be apart.

and here's one i did on my own:
i lie in my bed
staring into nothingness;
no one to confide in
no one who would believe

i block out the outside world;
tears welled up
blurring my vision

i lie in my bed
no longer feeling anything;
relieving my mind of all thoughts
i stood up

i pulled the rope to my neck
smiling at myself;
at last;everytyhing could be forgotten
i kicked;struggled;dead

i know they may be crap and horrible, but i do them out of pure boredom. my father saw it and thought i was feeling very sad and wanted to die. -_-". he thought it was all real. well, anyway, comments....?

Friday, November 24, 2006
chocolate posted at 4:15 PM | 0 Noticed Me

yesterday was results day. it was horrible for me, unlike SOME. it was so hot and the atmosphere was so tense. ms choo started off with a really long speech. and it was so hot. i couldn't wait for it to end.

then we went to our form teacher to collect results. everyone was sweating. the people whose hands i were shaking, were all VERY sweaty. now the atmosphere was REALLY tense, everyone was so.....anxious?

well, anyway, i got my results. IT WAS NOT WHAT I EXPECTED. i expected something much lower. i was so relieved. and then i had to call my father and his first reaction when i told him my results was "so low?!" i was so shocked. and THEN he added that i didn't put in effort. that was when i started to cry. then he said some horrible stuff. it's hard not to cry when he says all that stuff.

i mean, i was so scared that i got lower than 220. and when i got my results, it was higher and i was so glad. and then my father had to ruin my mood and make me feel so guilty that i didn't beat my sister like i was supposed to, cause i so-called got alot of help- from cousins, sisters, tuition etc.

he totally ruined my mood. then i didn't want to stay anymore, so i went home. i told my sisters my marks when i reached home and my older sister went "huh.so low arh."while my second sister was like "what?! how can never beat me?! you got alot more help than me lor!" what a horrible day. but then it was alright later. i'm so glad that my father decided to come back late-4 or 5+. and then i didn't need to see his face and feel guilty all over again.

Friday, November 17, 2006
chocolate posted at 5:38 PM | 0 Noticed Me

HAHAHAHA! i have waited so long for this to come! my father FINALLY ordered SCV! ahhh... waited so long, pleaded so long. and FINALLY! yay! yay! yay! hurray! okay, do i seem over-excited? maybe so, but this is so rejoiceful! (if there's such a word)

anyway, i'm organising a party at a chalet! yayyayyay! but a few people can't make it, and they are the ones that i really hope they would come. sigh. so sad.

anyway, have to wake up early again tomorrow. but i doubt i will be able to do it without difficulty. couldn't sleep last night. drank too much coffee.heh.X=))). and then tomorrow we going to have the orientation thingy and then me and celeste going to discuss our ice-skating sign-up! yay!(although i haven't yet signed up, and you guys maybe wondering why i slashed the thing at the side without signing up. but i knew i confirm going to sign up, so i slashed it.)

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
chocolate posted at 3:31 PM | 0 Noticed Me

i am so VERY BORED. there's nothing to do but eat and sleep and computer. ahhh!!!! eat and sleep and eat and sleep! ahhh! fat fat fat! no exercise.

anyway, you know the new phone?N93? the one with the advertisment with a guy holding the phone out and standing on the road, saying some shakespeare thing? yea, that one! super nice! i so want it!!!

i went to sijia's house the other day, and i started playing the guitar, although i don't know how to... she taught my a bit and her father taught me too. it was so fun! now i want to be a guitarist more than ever! And her brother played some thing on the drum. how do i describe it?hmm..... LOUD?

and i just got the form to sign up for ice-skating!!! yay!! oh, i can't wait! but then only got me and celeste. sigh. one person at first say can then cannot then can then now don't know. diao.

i'm going to school on saturday! whee~ i miss school. we're going to buddy the primary one's for their orientation(have i told you before...?)yay!

Saturday, November 11, 2006
chocolate posted at 9:50 PM | 0 Noticed Me

life's getting boring. no one to really talk to. no outings. BORING.

i really REALLY miss school. i miss talking to my friends. i miss seeing them. i miss everything.

oh well, that's all i have to say.

Thursday, November 09, 2006
chocolate posted at 9:49 PM | 0 Noticed Me

yay! we went to biennale today. it was so fun! some of the pictures were a little scary and freaky though. and there was these few thingys that look like there was a body inside a costume. and there was this place which was awfully dark, and when i went in, there were acctually 5 korean(is it?) shirts, holding a little screen, it was so freaky! i bought these 4 folders and a tape with some words on it. and it was cheap cause we had a 40% discount! yay!

then we wanted to take a free shuttle bus to tanglin to look at some more, but we missed the bloody bus! =((( we headed for raffles city for lunch then, then we had no where else to go so we went back to the house, to watch some movies!

first we watch "a series of unfortunate events" then we watched spy kids 2, then halfway when i turned around, i finally realised i was alone. -_-". and the rest of them already went away. i was so dumb. didn't even noticed they went away. fun fun day, today!

found this poem on the net(about solitude too!):

Life all alone
Surrounded by death and torture
Disowned and unloved
Walking along the shores of shame
Scaling the lonely mountains
Burdened by the mask
The mask
all hate the mask
My only friend in this solitude
Cries of sorrow muffled by those of hatred
Wandering the caves of silence
Seeking vengance on the world
The world that shuts out the shame
Showing pride for this..."perfection"
The time will come when solitude flees
No longer hiding from the world

p/s: the picture above is one of my favourite rooms

Wednesday, November 08, 2006
chocolate posted at 6:40 PM | 0 Noticed Me

here's a poem i made today. cause i was dying of boredom. here i go!

solitude is one thing,
lonliness is another.
solitude is when i'm walking on the beach
and i'm happy just breathing and being.
loneliness is when not even the beach
can comfort me or keep me company.
still, it's the loneliness that makes me grow
while it's the solitude that keeps me whole.

how was it?
tag and tell me!

Monday, November 06, 2006
chocolate posted at 11:09 AM | 0 Noticed Me

today was our graduation! was too lazy to post so i decided to post today and HERE I AM! thanks for the presents from all of you! I LOVE YOU ALL!

we went to school at 4 and then we started our make-up session! everyone was running around, getting their make-up done! Some people kept running away and deborah was so irritating when tricia and sarah put make-up on her, she kept running and sweating and then the make-up smudged! she was so annoying, but finally everyone put on their eye-shadow, lipstick and blusher! except some people. bleh.

then we had to do our performance and stuff. and my supid sister came along with jasmine's sister, sijia's sister and another 2 of their guy friends! so embarrasing! and when i was singing, then had to go in front of me and take stupid photos of me! i tried to look away but then i could still see them from the corner of my eye. i almost forgot the lyrics at that point. but eventually, everything turned out just right!

at the finale when we were singing "give thanks", i started crying. i felt so sad to leave all of you guys! then we went for the buffet! and we started popping the sparkling juice that angeline bought! each person got a tiny little bit to drink then we got out the whipped cream! yvette wanted to cream mr cai but then the plate she was holding on to, with the whipped cream, spilled on her own arm! was so hilarious!

now here's the important part:

i'm going to school on 18 november again to help out for the p1 orientation thingy. from 7.30 to 12noon so see you all then!(only those that are going)

P/S this post was late because there has been some error, so i couldn't post the last few days. =(((

Thursday, November 02, 2006
chocolate posted at 2:41 PM | 0 Noticed Me

today was the full-dress rehearsal. it was TOTALLY boring. we had to sit and wait for all the awardees to get their awards. and then we had to keep doing the welcome dance. none of us really knew how to dance. except the 21 main dancers on-stage. we just follow them. trying to catch up. they didn't teach us ANYWAY. they just showed us. like how are we suppossed to understand anything, i don't have photographic memory! i can't remember everything!

tomorrow is already the graduation concert!AND THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! oh, how i'm going to miss it. miss the school life. miss my friends. miss my teachers. miss my childhood. sigh. sighs. SIGH. I'M GOING TO MISS EVERYTHING ABOUT PRIMARY SCHOOL SO MUCH! especially the friends bit. tomorrow, we're going to put make-up?:/ yea, we areq we're going to school at 4, just our class, to put make-up. sigh. it's going to be really boring if i stay home the whole day. luckily, i have some activities to entertain myself! like ice-skating! but i still have to play my piano and go for tuition... =(

wish me luck for my singing tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
chocolate posted at 5:08 PM | 0 Noticed Me

haha. this picture is so funny and cute? legolas and jack sparrows fighting over a girl? lol.

anyway, our instructors just gave me and alethea some new lyrics so funny.

doesn't matter who is she,
doesn't matter Bedah or Lucy,
even if her name is Devi,
we still can befriend happily

then the rest of the class will sing the surrangani part.

in malay they say 'apa kapbar',
'vanakam' is how do you do,
in mandrin means 'ni hao ma'
we should answer 'fine, thank you.'

then they repeat the surrangani part again.

weird huh? well, sijia came into my account to help me do something. and she posted some crap. ignore that. well, see you guys later!