Sunday, January 28, 2007
chocolate posted at 2:35 PM

i went for NPPC yesterday. so i'm officialy a NPCC member! yay!
there were so man nice people that went in. sec ones i mean. but LOADS of NERDS too. eek. first we went to the class 2 untiy. and we were supposed to grab a balloon and burst it. there will be a paper inside and that determines what group you're in. at first we didn't know what to do beacuse when we just grabbed the ballons and sat down. they suddenly said"okay. burst your ballons!" and jolene and i were ike "huh?".
and then all the fun people and old st.nicks girls got into "creme" and i got into "foray" sobs. 9i was so... alone. ='( and i had to be stuck with the NERDS. eeewww. and then the whole time after that was really realy extremely boring! all because my group wasn't enthu. sheesh. and the "counsellors" were really boring cause they kept on talking among themselves. but then we did have one training. and then we had to stand at attention. and my neck was so itchy but i couldn't scratch. there was one funny thing though. jolene didn't bring her trackpants so she had to borrow from the NPCC members. and then the pants was too big. and it KEPT on dropping. i couldn't help but laugh. haha. i'm bad and mean. HAHAHA.
and then when i went home, my sister told me that the president went to tell her that i look too girly and that i wouldn't be able to take NPCC. i don't look too girly, do i?
another point to make, i wanna take comtemporary dance classes! but the thing is... it clashes with my NPCC! ahhhh! help help help! the only ones i can take is...jazz ballet. *pukes*
ahhh....... i don't know what to do. and i ALSO want to take japanese classes. once school really settles down.
nothing else to say.THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Thursday, January 18, 2007
chocolate posted at 9:59 PM

HELLO.I GOT INTO NPCC!!!whooooo! yay! yay! yay! it's just what i wanted... =DDD. and i'm also taking YCS as a second CCA. yippee! may drop it later, but for now, WHO CARES? oh well, that's all i wanted to post about.*dances in the rain*THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
chocolate posted at 9:45 PM

i know this may be a little late but i'm a maths monitor! i have no idea why i volunteered. but i did! and now i'm a mahts leader! so sad no points... =(((. oh ya and the monitors are......
martha was a monitor last year. amanda? prefect. so unfair. never give me a chance. HAHAHAHAHA!!!! joking joking!!!^^.
my dad's so naggy. ever since i wanted to go into NPCC. he won't stop going on about who stupid and silly NPCC is. i mean, it IS my choice. never was it his. i choose what i like. and i like NPCC. he has absolutely no right to decide what i should join. even though he is my father. you people agree with me?!?!(pleas tag and reply!)
now he's complaining to all my aunties and uncles. sheesh. when i do something "bad", he HAS to announce it to everyone. but when i receive something considerably good. like distintion in piano. he never tells anyone about it. not that i mind. ^^. like the saying goes, "hao shi bu chu men, huai shi chuan qian li" is that how it goes? oh i don't know. oh well. i can hear his footsteps.THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Saturday, January 13, 2007
chocolate posted at 11:50 PM

HAHAHAHA!!! i'm going to my father's showflat to work tomorrow! yay! just to ask the guests to sign the guests book and give them the brochure though. it's illegal to do any furthur. must at least be 16. ahhh. i can't wait to start working!! it's going to be so fun! yay!. that's all i have to say. i just needed to tell someone that i'm going to start work! yay!THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Friday, January 12, 2007
chocolate posted at 3:53 PM

ahhhh!!! i HATE chinese lit! so boring. my eyes were already closing but the teacher so scary, i didn't dare to sleep. but i did sleep during geography lesson. the teacher so blur blur. i slept for a full half an hour.another comment to makeI HATE MY FORM TEACHER!!!she's so fucking irritating! example:someone from st.nicks primary wears her small nametag instead of the ugly big fat one .she says," everyone should be equal! you should follow the rest! quickly put on your nametag now! if you do this again..."blah blah blah.and then she wants us to stand very straight and still and hands by your side and wait till she greets you before you can greet her. and then i didn't bring my e-lit file today so obviously i had to go tell her. and she said, "i expect you to say sorry when you forget to bring something." and then i said sorry, ms chan. and then she was like "you have to say 'i'm sorry,ms chan'" wth. fuck her.i feel like bloody shouting at her face "if i don't bring the file, it's my own problem! you still get your normal salary every month! you don't have to care! and it's only the bloody second lesson!"and she still had the cheek to say "today is the first week of school. ms chan will be very nice and won't get angry." SHEESH. i mean, WHAT IS HER FUCKING PROBLEM?!?!sorry i ad to say so much horrible stuff. i needed to get it out.THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Sunday, January 07, 2007
chocolate posted at 11:24 PM

sheesh. my father annoys me. and so pisses me off! we were just discussing what should my 6 choices for the CCA thing be. and i said i wanted to put track as first choice and he kepy saying "why don't you join ELDDS? don't you like drama? besides, it will help you to improve your english and public speaking! and ELDDS only has 2 days a week. track will be very tiring. you won't have anoought time for your studies." blah blah blah. and i keep insisting i want to join track. and he got so angry! sheesh. then he started scolding and scolding.then i said that i also want to join choir. he has nothing to say about that. it IS 2 times a week and helps you in your public speaking. so that's what i'm going to aim for! yay! THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
chocolate posted at 2:18 PM

whee~~~just came back yesterday. then took a nap for half an hour and then to swimming class. i was dead beat. then had to send me mother to the airport. she's going to london for 2 weeks! for business, of course. sigh, i'm going to miss her. and now i have to take a bus to school every morning. my father can't send us cause he got his liscense suspended, drink-driving. he only had 1 bloody glass! and came back at like 12 midnight. =/ then my sister was using the computer. couldn't post AGAIN. so my other sister and i went to watch....
it was so nice! japanese anime. it's so cool that i'm going to take official japanese classes this year! not in school as 3rd lang obviously. how could i ever be so smart?! ij already know a litlle though. yay yay yay! whoooo! i'm so high! the cammp was so great!
we had so many fun games and stuff! there was this game. that they made sort of 3d-ish. we were supposed to lie down on the floor at the basketball court. then diana(ewww)told a story of a girl running in the rain. then the counselors would splash water on us! so fun! then me and another few other people kept saying "we want more water!" so fun! we were so drenched afterwards but who cares? we were going to bathe after that anyway.
and then we went to sleep. i scared erina by saying that"bats will fly out during the night and poop on your head" and then she quickly buried her head in her sleeping bag. so cuteee! =DDD haha. i woke up the next day cause it was too noisy. all the other people sleeping next to me already woke up. it was only 5.45am. sheesh. so tired.
then it was the CCA fair!!! i was selected for the 3 hockey stuff, hurdles, and the 300m running. so i signed up for....
2.girl guides
3.track & field
that's bout it i think. i would really want to sign up for interact as a 2nd CCA. but then the counselors chased us away. okay. for those who don't know what interact is about. let me explain.
INTERACT IS A FUN CCA!. that's the main point. they help the old folks. taking care of them. last year in december, they went to chiangrai, thailand to help the small children that could not afford anything. everyday, they ate hard rice. then never got any sweets and toys. when "interact club" gave them sweets, they were like extremely happy! their maximum height was head above me. my sister made this really good friend, donchai, who had a cut on her face because the teacher threw a scissors at her face. sobs. the children had to chop wood and pluck weeds and do daily chores. so when interact club went there, they helped to do the daily chores. and it was like really cold there. beacue the interact club went there, they used their dormitory, even though they insited to not sleep there. then the children had to sleep in a hut which is like one bamboo pole and then another and another. and there were like holes all between the bamboo poles. it was really cold. so now you know what interact is roughly about. so how about joining it?
back to the CCA fair, we saw a NPCC dance thing.
i only recorded it halfway. lol. we didn't have time to go for interact's presentation. sobs. if only we did! sigh.
i talk too much.
p/s. if anyone would like to join japanese classes outside, please tell me, i don't really want to go alone.THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Thursday, January 04, 2007
chocolate posted at 3:21 PM

sorry i couldn't post on the first day of school. sister wouldn't get off it. sheesh. she played maple for 5 hours yeaterday.?!?!. and that's only maple. lucky peach. has about a 3-month, i think, break. while i'm stuck at school with people i never talk to.yesterday, was the first day of school. the people from my class are wither drama or not. students:25-drama12-non drama37-totalmost of them are from st.nicks but are none of them are my really good friends. sobs. and only a few are my friends. and like the people from my class were so shy yeaterday. most of them most are still. and then there's hilary, shuqing, chantel, amanda. which are a click. they're always hanging out and people always want to be friends with them, to like "enter" their click.i have absolutely nobody to talk to. i tried talking to them, but i didn't know what to say. then i tried to talk to vanessa cheong, but i also didn't know what to say. i didn't want to hang out with people who are real childish and immature. but i may be immature at times too =DD. so i can't blame was the CCA discovery thing. you go for some auditions and then they tell you if you have talent in it. AND hilary almost got in all of them(maybe even all, i don't know) but i know, she got in for hurdles, dance, gym(she didn't want), the hockey things(all 3) and running. i don't know about the jumping. she's like totally good at everything. i'm envious. =/anyway, tomorrow's camp! and i'm a little glad that the people in my class are enthu, then i can join them. for the songs i mean. and then saturday is CCA fair. you know, now that i think about it, i'm not sure if i want to join ELDDS anymore. sheesh, i guess i'll know on saturday.well, i'm going to take japanese classes when school settles down. i hope it's not too late.=)))THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Monday, January 01, 2007
chocolate posted at 4:04 PM

i'm finally going on to secondary one! yay! it feels like... i've just been promoted, moved on to another level. fun fun fun! i haven't been on the computer for a long long time. i hate you safesurf. it blocks my fanfics. i can't read anything! and then my sister keeps on hogging the com. sheesh. thank god she's not at home now. she went out last night to count-down with her friends. lucky idiot. this year's christmas and new year is really boring.
last night, allwe did was eat a boring dinner, rice and a plate of fish and two plates of veggie. horrible food. and then we watched the count-down and went to sleep. the worst part of it was that, both my sisters went out to count-down with thier friends. and they stayed out all night having so much fun. while i was stuck at home, feeling really bored.
but we did go shopping yesterday. i bought this jacket at samuel and kelvin, clerance sale. it was only $19! 70% off. together with this jeans. and a top at zara. only $12.90! all of them were so nice! i'm so glad it's clerance sale. everthing was quite cheap. but definitely not at zara's(besides the top).
either way, it was not a very fun christmas and new year. even though i bought some new clothes.
i think my father's TOO into golf. i mean, who wouldn't say that if their father went to bangkok just to play golf?! that's way overboard. i mean golf CAN be fun, but buy an air ticket to bangkok to play golf?! sheesh. and then he won't even let me buy a new school bag. that doesn't even make sense.
i already watched death note 2 and night in the museum. it was great!!! but in death note 2, so sad. the main character die! wth. i cry.=(((. on that day, me and my friends were supposed to go to escape and wild wild wet but then they all one by one at last minute back out! sheesh. yvette said it would rain, but it very well didn't. and then catherine had a cold and wenting's cousin just came back from hong kong. and then no one else could go. and i wouldn't ask the people like sijia, jiahui and maryanne. cause they don't really know or like them, i think, and they would never go to wild wild wet. did i guess right?
so it was supposed to be tomorrow. and then no one could go. sheesh. i want to go to a themepark! i love roller coasters but i haven't even seen one for lit me think, one or two years?! sigh. i miss it.
school's re-opening on wednesday. i can't waijt till sec 1 orientation! whatever date it is, no idea. but it'll be fun. i still remember this year, or was it last year? the point being, me and sijia went to join in one of the sec 1 games: treasure hunt! we found a clue and we ran all over the school to find the next. and then we gave up at one point. the clue was at a purple pillar in the canteen. with a pear i think. oh well, it was great fun! yay!THE RANDOMNESS