whee~~~just came back yesterday. then took a nap for half an hour and then to swimming class. i was dead beat. then had to send me mother to the airport. she's going to london for 2 weeks! for business, of course. sigh, i'm going to miss her. and now i have to take a bus to school every morning. my father can't send us cause he got his liscense suspended, drink-driving. he only had 1 bloody glass! and came back at like 12 midnight. =/ then my sister was using the computer. couldn't post AGAIN. so my other sister and i went to watch....
it was so nice! japanese anime. it's so cool that i'm going to take official japanese classes this year! not in school as 3rd lang obviously. how could i ever be so smart?! ij already know a litlle though. yay yay yay! whoooo! i'm so high! the cammp was so great!
we had so many fun games and stuff! there was this game. that they made sort of 3d-ish. we were supposed to lie down on the floor at the basketball court. then diana(ewww)told a story of a girl running in the rain. then the counselors would splash water on us! so fun! then me and another few other people kept saying "we want more water!" so fun! we were so drenched afterwards but who cares? we were going to bathe after that anyway.
and then we went to sleep. i scared erina by saying that"bats will fly out during the night and poop on your head" and then she quickly buried her head in her sleeping bag. so cuteee! =DDD haha. i woke up the next day cause it was too noisy. all the other people sleeping next to me already woke up. it was only 5.45am. sheesh. so tired.
then it was the CCA fair!!! i was selected for the 3 hockey stuff, hurdles, and the 300m running. so i signed up for....
2.girl guides
3.track & field
that's bout it i think. i would really want to sign up for interact as a 2nd CCA. but then the counselors chased us away. okay. for those who don't know what interact is about. let me explain.
INTERACT IS A FUN CCA!. that's the main point. they help the old folks. taking care of them. last year in december, they went to chiangrai, thailand to help the small children that could not afford anything. everyday, they ate hard rice. then never got any sweets and toys. when "interact club" gave them sweets, they were like extremely happy! their maximum height was like....er......one head above me. my sister made this really good friend, donchai, who had a cut on her face because the teacher threw a scissors at her face. sobs. the children had to chop wood and pluck weeds and do daily chores. so when interact club went there, they helped to do the daily chores. and it was like really cold there. beacue the interact club went there, they used their dormitory, even though they insited to not sleep there. then the children had to sleep in a hut which is like one bamboo pole and then another and another. and there were like holes all between the bamboo poles. it was really cold. so now you know what interact is roughly about. so how about joining it?
back to the CCA fair, we saw a NPCC dance thing.
i only recorded it halfway. lol. we didn't have time to go for interact's presentation. sobs. if only we did! sigh.
i talk too much.
p/s. if anyone would like to join japanese classes outside, please tell me, i don't really want to go alone.