Tuesday, October 31, 2006
chocolate posted at 10:57 PM

hey yorklyn.
helped you already.
though I still can't get html apart from the most basic stuff.
and now I still have to teach you how to check.
should stop spewing gibberish now.
Monday, October 30, 2006
chocolate posted at 9:47 PM

we had a secondary school's curriculum today. they performed 2 really nice shows for us! one was from CLDDS, i think. and the other was from ELDDS. one titled "ambition" and the other was something about macbeth and some witches. couldn't really hear what they were saying though. you know witches, mumble mumble mumble. it was really fun though. I LOVE ELDDS! I MUST JOIN IT IN SECONDARY SCHOOL! if i pass for the audition, that is.tricia was the one in charge today cause wanglaoshi thought we respected tricia more than her. she assumeswe listen to tricia instead of her cause it's COOL. weird teacher. it was true though! we sang really loudly today. then later about 12.30, we made our way to the hall. and we had to show our items. during the last showcase, we were like the lousiest. but today, we sang quite loudly. and then wanglaoshi told me not to shout into the mike. but i wasn't! was i?the other classes improved too. their dance was really quit nice too. then we had to practice the welcoming dance for liike 10min. it looked quite alright when the main dancers were dancing. but when it came to us, it looked like shit. mrs hum said it looked like a bunch of grasshoppers dancing. we didn't know how to do it. but it really isn't our fault. the main dancers were doing it so fast. firstly, we couldn't catch up. secondly, WE DON'T EVEN KNOW THE STEPS. they didn't teach us! so we were REALLY confusedwe have to bring our outfit for that night tomorrow. typically, we have to wear class tee and jeans. but i think wanglaoshi wants us to wear a cloth over to make it look like a sarong? maybe, i don't know.went ice-skating on friday and sunday. i have a sudden interest in it. currently tring to recruit people to join with me. i asked blenda and celeste already, waiting for their reply from their parents. it's very expensive though. but my parents allow! =))) yay!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
chocolate posted at 1:07 AM

i just went ice-ckating on friday. and then today i'm going again! my leg hurts. pain and i have like a funny cut on the sole of my foot. hurts alot. today is pathetic. it was my friend's "birthday party" sort of thing, and only me and her was there. at least 6 other people were supposed to go, but only i could go. -_-". PATHETIC.
forgot to mention that the primary 5s' and below already had their last day of school on thursday and ours is on next friday, which is our graduation concert! good news that it will be real fun and enjoyable! bad news is I WILL BE SINGING... -_-" and then when we were showing our items, not rehearsal, just showing. i started giggling over the mike. i had no idea why, too nervous i guess? and wanglaoshi scolded me. though only the teachers could see or hear. it was so scary i tell you! practically everyone was STARING! how nervous would YOU get, if 280 pairs of eyes were looking? 270 are p6s, and the rest are just teachers, form teachers and teachers to look at your item. it made my legs so wobbly, i would have fell. luckily i was sitting.
just want to state a point that is very true! THE ELDEST SISTERS ARE REALLY ANNOYING! especially mine, she always chases me to go bathe, eat, get off the com, sleep etc. and she's chasing me to sleep right now. annoying, annoying ANNOYIING! can't stand it!
oh well, i have to go sleep now. have to wake up in another 6 and half hours. to go SKATING! hahahaha!!!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
chocolate posted at 2:58 PM

they were giving out alot of awards today. and i had one! yay! the 3-year NAPFA gold award!
-wen jun was the best sportsgirl!
-we were the class with the most people getting the 3-year-gold award!
-we were the classs with the most number of people getting gold!
-genevieve, sijia and cheryl had high dinstinction for UNSW english!
-sandra had high dinstinction for both UNSW maths and scince!smart girl!
then our whole class kept on cheering, especially tricia's group. and tricia's voice is so super high. luckily i was sitting at the back and it wasn't that loud. but poor in-front people.
tomorrow is the deepavali off-in-lieu holiday! so now school! yippe! i'll be going out tomorrow to go ice-skating!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
chocolate posted at 5:15 PM

hey! we went to the science centre today. omnimax theatre included. it was so fun in the science centre! but the omnimax theatre? BORING.
then there was this thing where the water splashes out from the holes in the floor. and at first only me, jiahui,maryanne, and samantha, i think, were running through the fountain. i was the wettest. and ms tay scolded me. then later sarah and co. came along and started running too. and THEN, sarah and wenjun bumped! they had a lump on each forehead. but they were quite silly, i saw them run. they were running with their eyes closed! obviously they would bash. i mean i know that it hurts and i shouldn't be so heartless to say that they are silly and stuff, but facts are facts.
deborah also got scolded when she went missing for the SECOND time. first it was in school. now the science centre. what would she ever think of next? wanglaoshi kept on scolding her. she shouted for deborah to give her an explanation. and all deborah could say was "i was lost." or something like that. couldn't remember what.
anyway, the omnimax theatre's so-called movie was so totally boring and neck-straining. it was more like a documentary on discovery channel than a movie. it was only 40min, i counted. it was all about fishes under the sea! and the worst thing is that the whole circular ceiling is the screen and you have to lie down on the chairs and look up. the worst movie i have ever had. it made me so dizzy, i got a headache and my neck was so painful! i was so glad when it was over. it seemed like hours! but the good part was that JHONNY DEPP WAS ONE OF THE NARRATORS! and then everyone started cheering!
i cannot stand malay boys! ESPECIALLY AFTER TODAY. today when we were inside the science centre, we had one hour to look around and then i needed to tell blenda something halfway. but i couldn't find her. when i finally found her, i was like "hey!blenda!blenda!blenda!". then this malay boy walked past, and he kept mimicking me in a really annoying way. i really felt like slaaping him at that moment. then later, when we were supposed to go to mcdonalds, celeste and zinqing and blenda started running. i started running too, to catch up. then when i was sprinting, this malay boy kept raising his hand in front of me! so irritating! i cannot stand them, i tell you. ANNOYING MALAY BOYS!
on the bus back, jiahui seemed a little crazy. she was making stupid faces and laughing like a crazy woman. a little too high i guess. well, she should be. a message to jiahui:HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIAHUI!you really enjoyed today, didn't you?i can tell, laughing all the way in the bus!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
chocolate posted at 1:46 AM

we went for an excursion today. our class was split up and 1-20 had to go to qianhu farm, this fish farm.21-40 had to go to the cocoa trees warehouse! but jiahui came to the 21-40 side instead.
i spent quite alot. even though we had a 30% DISCOUNT. the worst thing is, I FORGOT TO BRING MY CAMERA! i had to take with my phone. not good. small and blur. it was so cold in there, only for me though. the others were like "so cooling!" and "so nice!" and ik am like "so cold!brr...". oh, but there were so many funny chocolate m&m thingys! so cute! and there was a really nice aroma of chocolate in the whole warehouse!
i loved it!oh well, it's late!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
chocolate posted at 4:15 PM

today is the last day of the holidays. and tomorrow when we go back, i have to start singing again! they told me to practise everyday, but who would? except maybe alethea, if that's how you spell it.
my sister was looking at me playing sims today. she said she wanted to try. so i let her. and i went downstairs to take something.when i came back up, one of the family members died!he walked into the devil person, with the funny thing that can cut your head. the curved one.and then the wife went mad. she sat on the floor in her pyjamas and was moaning. then a therapist came to help her. then she did funny faces, then i saw her do something REALLY FUNNY. SHE STARTED TO ACT LIKE A CHICKEN! you know put your hands under your arms and cluck?yea, just like that! it was so funny!
another great news is that, next week, we will be going to the science centre and also to some factories!yay! i SO love the after p6 life!
Monday, October 16, 2006
chocolate posted at 10:03 PM

and tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that!
PSLE marking days!
REJOICE!my mother finally bought me the sims 2! it's really fun to me, bout the building and all. i love interior designing! except the colour combinations. the only problem is that it's so laggy! i can't even play properly. it keeps on jamming. that's the first bad news. the second is, MY PARENTS ARE STILL HAVING COLD WAR. although it's not so bad now. they still aren't talking much. that's really not a good thing. iwas thinking, what can i do, to help? i guess there really is nothing i can do now, is there?anyway, let the complaints end. it's the holidays! and it's suppossed to be happy!
Friday, October 13, 2006
chocolate posted at 10:19 PM

loads of things have been happening since PSLE was over! lots of parties, going out, and more outings! but recently at school, we're doing this cultural dance thing for our p6 graduation concert on 3rd november(i think). and then jiahui got chosen for the main vocalist, together with alethea. then she really didn't want to sing. then she came and asked if i could take over her. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW SHE DOES IT, BUT SHE PERSUADED ME TO TAKE OVER HER. and currently i am the main vocalist, with alethea. so pai seh leh. then she still got chosen, with genevieve, to play some funny drums, called the "ibu" i think.
and now i'm bringing mahjong and cards to school. better not let anyone know! today when mary anne and samantha were playing, wang lao shi just walked in and she didn't say anything. before, she would confiscate the cards and scold them. but then now she didn't care! yippee! maybe it's cause PSLE is finally over, or maybe it's cause of some other things, like being in a good mood today. MAYBE.
oh ya there's something bad today... it is
friday the 13th!
no idea why i make such a big deal about it, but yea, it IS friday the 13th!and then the computer couldn't on in school and i couldn't remember the tune of the cultural dance song and jiahui couldn't remember the beat of the drum. UNLUCKY UNLUCKY!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
chocolate posted at 9:07 PM

a really good news to announce:
PSLE is finally over!
and that's the way i like it.uh-huh.uh-huh.
whee....sorry i haven't posted in such a long long time! i wasn't allowed to! i was banned from the computer for a whole month!god!life sucked then. but it's finally over!isn't that something that MUST be celebrated?
i walked alot today, together with sijia, catherine and yvette. we wanted to go watch a movie in the beginning, haven't asked sijia yet....then later we saw her and asked "hey!wanna go yorklyn's house?"she thought we were only going to my house so she agreed.then when we walked out, we decided to go to catherine's house to take some things so we walked to her house. then later we walked to my house then we decided to go to j8, the worst place ever. but our parents didn't allow us to go any further, so there we went. my feet was so pain at that time.cause i squished my socks at the front of my shoes and my toes were all squished.ouch.oh well, i don't think i have ever walked so far together with my friends before. wasted so much money today.
but we're going out soon again then i going to get jiahui's present!whee...i love giving presents, unlike SOME PEOPLE. oh well, have to go do my stuff now. sayonara!