i just went ice-ckating on friday. and then today i'm going again! my leg hurts. pain and i have like a funny cut on the sole of my foot. hurts alot. today is pathetic. it was my friend's "birthday party" sort of thing, and only me and her was there. at least 6 other people were supposed to go, but only i could go. -_-". PATHETIC.
forgot to mention that the primary 5s' and below already had their last day of school on thursday and ours is on next friday, which is our graduation concert! good news that it will be real fun and enjoyable! bad news is I WILL BE SINGING... -_-" and then when we were showing our items, not rehearsal, just showing. i started giggling over the mike. i had no idea why, too nervous i guess? and wanglaoshi scolded me. though only the teachers could see or hear. it was so scary i tell you! practically everyone was STARING! how nervous would YOU get, if 280 pairs of eyes were looking? 270 are p6s, and the rest are just teachers, form teachers and teachers to look at your item. it made my legs so wobbly, i would have fell. luckily i was sitting.
just want to state a point that is very true! THE ELDEST SISTERS ARE REALLY ANNOYING! especially mine, she always chases me to go bathe, eat, get off the com, sleep etc. and she's chasing me to sleep right now. annoying, annoying ANNOYIING! can't stand it!
oh well, i have to go sleep now. have to wake up in another 6 and half hours. to go SKATING! hahahaha!!!