HAPPY CIRTHDAY CHANTEL! this is a present from me, jolyne, xinling and mel. [:
today i went to bugis with jolyne and xinling! stupid mel, who ask you to be sick, then cannot come. WALAU EH.
then we were suppossed to meet at bugis mrt at 12 noon. then like both of them were late by HALF AN HOUR okay. and i just stood there at the mrt, waiting.
then i told jolyne that i saw seth tan walking out of bugis. and she BELIEVED EVERYTHING.
and yes jolyne, it was a lie. i DID NOT see seth tan at all.
well, now you know [:
then we were walking around. and i MADE them wear heels which they supposedly said they were wearing. when jolyne wore flats and xinling wore like 1cm "heels".
and then we walked and walked and walked and then we went to buy movie tickets.
and then we walked and walked and walked and then we went to buy movie tickets.
i said i wanted to watch resident evil, because judging by how we dressed, and how un-strict bugis was, we COULD sneak in.
but i decided to be nice and gave way to her and let her watch the stupid seeker [:
and then when we went in and the movie started for like only 5min. jolyne was so annoying and complaining and talking about stuuf that is totally irrelevant to the movie.
"walaueh. so damn boring."
"you know there's this build-a-bear-workshop...."
"oei, later want to go suntec? then...."
IDIOT LA YOU. whole day only talk talk talk. then don't want to listen to me to watch resident evil which is SO MUCH BETTER.
then later we were finding a nice toilet to take picture in, and we walked around then we saw this group of people filming something.
and as KAYPOH as we are, we went to take a look.
and then realised that their acting is so damn lousy.
some cheena people i think. it's like they were standing in front of a lift, quarreling.
and you know how they quarreled? they just stood, WITHOUT MOVING AT ALL, and shouted at each other.
what kind of a quarrel is that!
then we walked around and saw "the body shop" and jolyne wanted to go in, so we went. and then she tried on like VERY SINGLE SAMPLING SCENT and then walked out of the shop without buying anything at all.
and then so cheapskate and kiasu some more.
and then mel, jolyne and xinling said they would buy me a new wallet of MY choice today one okay. then in the end every single wallet i chose, they would say it doesn't suit me.
so mean la. just want to save money then don't help me buy.
and then we went to citylink. and we saw ANOTHER "the body shop". and we were like WTF.
then thankfully, we DIDN'T go in. and thus jolyne didn't make her smell even worse.
then we walked to like buy megan's eclipse book which had 20% discount then went to raffles place to eat [:
and then there was ANOTHER body shop there okay! it's taking over the human population!
me and xinling bought sushi. i bout 4 california handroll. YUMMY.
and she bought 2.
and jolyne bought a funny bread and disgusting drink.
and then she told us to drink and we ddn't know it was disgusting yet. and then she said "drink as much as possible" then i drink lorh. i thought it was funny. i drank like a lot. then i stopped and realised that the aftertaste was like TERRIBLE.
and then jolyne asked me for a bite of my handroll so i passed it to her. and ate it like a babaric monster (the picture is up there ^^)
and xinling is weird la. she eats the handrolls but only the rice and seaweed and not the YUMMY ingredients. so she gave me all la. [: and jolyne ate all of my extra ingredients ]:<
and she stole like 4 HUMONGOUS BITES. walau eh.
and finally, feeling happy and satisfied, we went home [:
and i'm feeling high because i finally accomplished one of my many goals.