at first when i asked for ketchup and chilli, she stared as if i was a retard and went "erm, the chilli sauce and ketchup sauce is over there." *points to mr press-press thingo*
wahlau. but anyway. this is what i took =D:
-14 creamer
-4 tissue
-2 barbacue
-2 sweet and sour
-3 curry
-2 mayonnaise
-2 ketchup
-2 chilli
-3 sugar
-4 pepper
-2 salt
WAHHAHAHAHA. lmao. and i'm still going to collect some more tomorrow when i go for tuition at untied square. =D i feel KIASU. okay. and i like my new url too =DD
and then today after drama, when jolyne, moira and mel did the TENEHNEHNEH thing, ADRAIN WAS ONLY STARING AT MEL OKAY!