Tuesday, July 31, 2007
chocolate posted at 7:46 PM

lol. i was so emo in my last post.but anyway, now that i think about it. i should just continue. even if it is talking to myself.well anyway.SATURDAY 28/07in the morning i met taxi and kuan to go to ARTS HOUSE! YEAH!we took mrt and then we went like to the singapore river. and then i just realised how dirty the river was. there was like so much oil and dirt! EWWWW.we crossed to bridge and then we walked and walked and we finally arrived at the ARTS HOUSE! =D.DAMN COOLIO.we were doing CIP there. for the drama thingo. and then we had to sort of usher people for the workshops and blah blah blah. but it was damn fun. although a little boring in between while waiting for the people to finish their workshops. we had a damn cool PURPLE TAG. to show that we were people working there. then we had to sit outside the rooms waiting for the people to finish their workshops and then usher them back out.then right outside the arts house, there was this white-clothes table covered with consturction papers and markers and pegs! then there will be a string from one end of the wall to another. then the people will write their thoughts and feelings about drama and use the pegs to pin them on the strong. DAMN COOL LAH.then after that i went for dumb tuition. stupid learning lab. then yeah. NO CINDY!SUNDAY 29/07woke up at around ten. gosh, i'm such a pig. but anyway, i suppossedly went shopping but in the end only bought one top but i ate my darling DURAIN PANCAKE!!!!!! =D.but mainly the whole day, i was just doing ALL my homework. guai me. (: and then in the night, we just had our usual family gathering.this day is NOT exciting.MONDAY 30/07we had a maths test today. we had to do our research and answer the questions. if your notes were good then you confirm pass de that kind of test. and aparently xinling and andrea didn't have notes so i let them photocopy. in the end, there was a question on the paper which asked us to fill in a table of some sort. and i had the exact table in my notes! yeah! but then later, come particular people that found out about it from a big-mouth-xin-ling started "scolding" me for not sharing the notes with them. but in the first place, how was i to know what would be coming out in the test? so you can't exactly blame me right? =D but i was indeed lucky. hoho. TUESDAY 31/07yay! last day of august! today we had a maths test in the morning. and it was like NO TIME LEFT. stupid stupid stupid. i think i will fail. =((( but i really hope i don't. then art.I'M TELLING YOU I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY ABOUT ART EXCEPT THAT I HATE HATE HATE IT A LOT.then after recess, guess what? science test. PHYSICS to be exact. the hardest science subject. it was like okay. but i didn't know how to find the radius and diameter kind. so i think i just lost 5 marks. =(today sucks. two tests in one day! rubbish lah! DON'T LIKE.TRALALA'
Friday, July 27, 2007
chocolate posted at 12:18 AM

HELLO EVERYONE.i am officially announcing that my blog shall die and never revive ever again.this is because have came to a conclusion that my blog is just me posting and me reading it and no one else is reading it. thus, i have decided that yorklyn's blog is officially DEAD.BYEBYE PEOPLE.gosh. i'm feeling emo today.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
chocolate posted at 4:03 PM

sorry i didn't manage to post for the past week. been really really busy. not with schoolwork though. with with with my china buddieS HAHA. kelly's house was not big enough for her buddy. so her buddy came to live with me instead.
it wasn't that much of a success though. my buddy was someone i didn't know. and we weren't exactly close nor did we click. the buddy that i had in china was a totally different one. my buddy in china was sort of crazy and cute anf funny. PLUS we clicked really well.
this one was just quiet and shy. and i absolutely LOVE to talk so when we didn't talk i found it a little awkward.and then they arrived in singapore on sunday night. we had a good rest and then the next day, after school. we went to AMK hub to SHOP! they love shopping i tell you.and i'm so damn happy because my mother gave me money to spend! i bought this cool top (only $10) and a pair of cool slippers! =DDDhappiness`i saw so many other things i wanted to buy and so i went home to tell my mother and then she said she would bring me there on sunday to buy! COOLIO.after that we went to a pasar malam. and they liked the games. and the thing is they wanted to play so we hVE to pay for them. since our $1 here is their $5 there. too expensive for them, get what i mean? and then aminah's buddy gave me a pig. loland then on tuesday, we had to stay back after school for some drama thingo. and then we went to j8. intially, we wanted to watch harry potter because they wanted to watch and it hasn't came out in china yet.but kelly said she didn't want to watch since she already watched it 3 times. so we just decided to shop (again) and do the paint thing you know? the one where you can squeeze paint onto a picture and then you can stick it on glass? yeah that one. they spent like 1 hour ++ on that lar. so damn long!and then they hate durain a lot. because the rest of us kept on wanting to eat durain but then they kept on covering their noses and said that it was super smelly and they don't like it.well anyway, today is wednesday and they hav e left already. so i doubt i'll ever ever ever see them again. but somehow, i only miss them a little.in china, they seemed totally nice and gave in to you all the time, but when they came here, it all changed. the didn't want to do anything. and roseann and raeann's buddy kept telluing them they only wanted to go home and sleep. but they were actually quite nice overall.TRALALA`
Friday, July 20, 2007
chocolate posted at 10:03 PM

oh yeah. and today i climbed out to the roof. because moira loh was on the fourth level and apparently tried to throw her shoe at jolyne and... MISSED. and it dropped t the level below. you know the roof outside the secondary AVA room? the silver one? yeah. that one. and then i climber out to go get it. when i took my first step the silver part sank in and i almost DIED.but anyway, i got moirea'a shoe in the end. =D it was REAL FUN! ANYONE CARE TO JOIN ME IF I DO IT AGAIN?=D
chocolate posted at 9:49 PM

I LOVE TRUTH! I LOVE TRUTH! I LOVE TRUTH!!!!TRUTH YOU SO ROCK.yesterday there was an inter-class competition for racial harmony day and and and we got FIRST PLACE!!!! and we have to perform on national day in front of the whole school. HAHA. scary but FUN.we sang four songs.- english-UMBRELLA
- chinese-YE LAI XIANG
- indian-BOROBORO(introduced by ME! :D)
- malay-SUKA SUKA
ah man. i STILL haven't done my history assignment. but i'm the only person in the class who did my english-literature assignment! very shitty though. i forgot to include PCQ but i really can't be bothered to redo.and i'm going to watch the shakespeare play on thursday! with TRUTH! =Di think it'll be fun.sigh. have to wake up early tomorrow for np. sianness. i hate waking up early.today i went to mcdonalds opposite school. and i went to the counter person. i'm guessing she's a malay and around 20++. she was serving me and then she suddenly started giggling to herself and thought i didn't hear.and then after that i went back again to buy a drink. and then i think she pressed the wrong item because after that, she made a weird noise. SCARY LEH.VERY VERY SCARY.TRALALA'
Monday, July 16, 2007
chocolate posted at 10:15 PM

i can't believe it.CHRISTINE IS IN LOVE LOVE LOVE WITH MEGATRON.she says he is hot. for goodness sake he's a bloody robot!!! she says he's cute and bleh blah blabber.oh and i watched harry potter today. it was quite rubbishy. they skipped out like SO MANY MANY MANY parts. rubbsih rubbish.HOHO.TATA (:
chocolate posted at 1:07 AM

i know i know. i haven't posted in such such such a long time. don't scold me!been really busy lately. so i'm going to post evrerything now!07/07/07, saturdaymaryanne's birthday party day! it was really really grand. there's only one word to describe her -RICH. there were like people who stood at the counter and served drinks and there was baileys, barcadi, coke bleh blah blabber.then i was like 2 hours late. lol. had swimming. and there was like around6 big round tables i think. and they were all covered in WHITE WHITE NICE NICE cloth. plus the chairs too! it was like super cool. and there was the thing you know if it was a sunny day and there was an event going on. there would be this thingy over head with a cloth draped over two poles? so that you could have shade? yes. that thingy.and then before the cake, maryanne had to go to every table and take a picture with the people. it was liks a weddng lor. anyway. it was just super duper grand! and we played so many cool and fun games! HOHO. I LIKE.16/07/07, mondayi'm going to watch harry potter today!!!oh man so exciting!too bad bestie can't go. but she watched already. no fair! >=(i'm still going with nicea anyway. not sure if pei shan is going yet though.but it's still super exciting!!!TATA (:
Monday, July 09, 2007
chocolate posted at 5:18 PM

HOHO. the other day was... LIVE EARTH DAY!!! and who was wearing green?ME!!i was wearing like the green house warrior thingo and then green shorts and even green underpants!(heho)i'm a supporter for live earth day! yahooo!and i think i think i think jolene is totally nuts. she thinks chan is...-CUTE-LESSONS ARE INTERESTING-FUNNYOH MY FUCKING GOD.if she was ever that, i would be king of the world. =DDDshe is so totally the opposite.and and and we have a new geog teacher.and jolyne found a new prey.she is TOTALLY BORING.and she didn't want to do intro with us. it was meant to waste lesson time.=/and we have a new art teacher.she's quite nice. at least better than gwee. but she has HIGH expectations. and demands. missy fierce.and we have a new PE teacher called mr yeo. HE IS GAY I TELL YOU GAY!!! i totally don't know why he is but he just is.TATA!(:
Monday, July 02, 2007
chocolate posted at 11:46 PM

i watched transformers today. it is so COOL. but i'm telling you. it totally copy power rangers. so MACHINEY KIND. hamster and i and nicole went to bunk today. i didn't play though. money sucker thingy. and besides, i noob. play for what? so anyway. bunk is so COOL.and i watched bambi yesterday. it is EVEN COOLER.I LOVE THUMPERI LOVE THUMPERI LOVE THUMPERI LOVE THUMPERI LOVE THUMPER!!!and currently i'm watching fantastic four! oh man. i think i'm going on a movie craze.i have a maths test tomorrow. and i haven't studied! and i am maths rep! DIE. but i so lazy now. i'm hungry. i want to go eat bei bei mian. so off i go! =D