Friday, June 29, 2007
chocolate posted at 8:19 PM

the skin on my right foot is peeling now. all because of JOANNA HONG. she was so happy that she jumped and jumped and landed n my foot. now THAT hurt.and and and i HATE saturdays.first. i have tuition in the afternoon from 12.30-2.15 at learning lab.then. i have swimming at 4-5.30.then i have tuition at 8.30 to like urh...10++.and why do people ALWAYS have to put activities on saturday?!-NP activities-birthday parties-open houses-etc.everything just seems to happen on saturdays. WHY WHY WHY I ASK? oh man.and i haven't done my tuition homework. DIE. but oh well. seriously i can't be bothered.and jolene is asking me to play this game. she says you can design houses and make your character and blah blah blah. the website is . go and try it!
Thursday, June 28, 2007
chocolate posted at 11:35 PM

you know there was one day some where after np JTC. and i went to mcdonalds and the counter person asked me
"your drink will be coke is it?"and i replied. "yes ma'am."THAT WAS SO STUPID. i think i'm too in touch with np now. and i just got back my crime prevention test! =DDD i got 35.5/40!! yay! i passed!and then yesterday i went to the library to use the computer. and i was reading a online story. and i'm those kind of people that doesn't like people peeping at what i'm reading. close friends is okay though. then suddenly there was this sec 3 girl that went to sit beside me. and then while i was reading halfway, i felt a stare so i looked to my left .(she was sitting there) and she was staring at what i was reading. only when i stared at her, did she turn back to her own computer.and then later her friend came, and she "whispered" to her friend. she said it really loud so i heard some of it. the part i heard was " me to stand behind her and see what the website is okay?" and then her friend slowly went to stand behind me. and i obviously knew. so i turned and stared at both of them. and the sec3 girl using the computer went like "hey. come help me do. i don't know how to do." and her friend was like "okay okay." it was SO FAKE. so i just shut down the whole computer and left. STUPID GIRLS.well. i felt so hardworking yesterday. (during chinese literature) i actually copied down everything!=Dand i just realised that CHANTEL BAY has a super big ego. i mean i knew that she had an ego before. but now it's SUPER BIG. =DDDwhoops. i haven't done my maths and chinese yet. i don't feel like doing leh. i feel like..... PLAYING NEOPETS!!!!so off i go!=D
Sunday, June 24, 2007
chocolate posted at 6:47 PM

HELLO EVERYONE!sorry i haven't posted in such a long time!that's because i was in China from 9-17june.and then in camp from 18-20 june.and then there was POP.and then i was SO busy chionging homework and everything that i didn't have time for the computer.CHINAIT WAS THE BEST TRIP EVER!!!I LOVE HUANGSHAN SCHOOL!!!!it is the best!i so LOVE MY BUDDY!!!you know, i can't exactly remember what we did because there are too many things nowadays. and the china trip seems so faraway. but i did remember my and kelly bought a top-dress thingy. i bought a white thingy and she bought green. both choosen by me! but now i like the green one so much much much more! =((( we went to huangshan school and lived in the dormitory there. it was quite comfy. and they even had a minimart in their school you know! COOL. i love my buddy so so so much! on the day that we had to leave each other. i cried like mad i tell you. that's because i'm so close to my buddy! thank god we went to ask the principal if they could come over in their holidays and he AGREED!!!! so they're coming in july i think. but i'm nto sure if it's my buddy. i really hope she can's quite cold there you know. we climbed HUANGSHAN. so COOL and TIRING and FUN!!! but it was so SUPER COLD. PLUS IT WAS RAINING! we took the bus then the cable car all the way to halfway of the mountain. then we walked all the way up. it's very tiring i tell you. we climbed at least a THOUSAND steps!we went to many places also. i love CHINA. ESPECIALLY HUANGSHAN.CAMPI missed the first 12hours of the camp. and thus i missed topo and tent-pitching. and then we went for a lot of things la. you know seriously, i'm too lazy to type anymore. but it was just very fun and everything. at the end of the camp, the instructors said some very meaningful things. and it made me cry. now i miss JTC so much. no matter how much they scold us, i still enjoy the camp.POPPOP actually stands for "passing off parade". it's where the sec 4s graduate form NP. you know when they did the performances, it was really sad cause everyone was crying. when the sec4s were performing, i started crying too. they started seeing all those emotional songs. SO SAD. and then they still gave us presents and everything. they are seriously SO SWEET AND NICE.sec 4s, even if you guys have to leave. you'll always be a part of me and a part of NP.announcement: I LOVE YOU SEC4'S!!!!
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
chocolate posted at 2:15 PM

sigh. i'm leaving for china this friday night. going to huangshan, hangzhou and shanghai. suddenly, i don't feel like going to all. i'm missing 3 birthdays, drama performance and more days of fun. and i think it's going to be quite boring becuase there's only 13 people going. do you have any idea how little that is? and i only know 3 others. BORING.then why did i even sign up, you ask? well. because i thought that jolene, jiahui, iyn huii, maryanne were going. but then they didn't want to go in the end. and jolene told me AFTER i signed up. =((( so i STILL have to go. tickets were bought already.AND i haven't started on any homework. i am so going to die.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
chocolate posted at 12:34 AM

the last two days was THE BEST!!!THURSDAYi went for piano class in the morning. then to tony roma's to eat lunch with my family. the food was great and we ordered too much. had to pack the food home. i totaly forgot the time! and i had shrek3 movie after that. i was late by 20min. and jeanette almost killed me! because i booked the tickets online and my mother had to be there to go collect and jeanette had to wait for me to rush there. after that, we met neubronner, saacha, vanessa and cabrini and we all went to amk hub together to meet antho and jovan. and for me to collect the battery for the camera i brought. silly me! i brought the camera but i forgot to take my battery with me! =))) and my kind sister helped me to bring it to amk station. THANK YOU! without it, i would have died. then i went to collect myspongebob squarepants balloon from xinling at amk hub too! it was so humongous and monster-ish.I LOVE YOU XIN LING!=DDDafter we met them, we went to queue for bus 138. and guess who we met when we got on the bus? HILARY AND COLLEEN. and so we all went together to NIGHT SAFARI!!!it wasn't a really long ride there because we talked a lot of shit and it made time past faster. and finally, we reached NIGHT SAFARI! we went to this restaurant to meet megan. she was eating dinner with her parents. so we went to B&J for dinner. halfway through, me and megan went to pick shrimp from the entrance. and everyone was present already! and then we went into the night safari!!!WHEEE. EXCITED. i was really easy to spot because of the big and giant spongebob squarepants balloon. and there was some point in time that some crazy people started singing the spongebob song and shouted "hi spongebob!"and they burst out laughing to themselves. weirdoes.and then we went in and it was so dark! and hilary just kept running forward. so rush for what? and there was a time when me, van, antho, colleen, saacha, hilary was seperated from megan shrimp, jovan and jeanette. and they called me and said they were lost and then hilary kept saying they bluff us one and they aren't really lost. btu in the end, they really were. i don't even know how we got seperated. the round was bendy but it's a one-way kind of road. i really don't get it. but we met each other anyway. near the tram station. we were going to sit on it! so we queued and when we were waiting for out tram. this man working there passed by me and told me they had to keep my balloon as it is not allowed on the tram. -_-" so they kept it and i had to claim it back later. and finally the tram came and we sat on it. we wanted to sit in the last few rows so antho, jovan, jeanett and van sit in the last row. and then me and jolene moved to the second-las row cause at first we were sitting in the front. and megan refused to move. but by the time we wanted to move back, the other tourists started pouring into the empty seats on the tramp.this two vietnamese women sat besde me and then they kept on asking me questions and i couldn't understand A THING. and then there was this part where the tram would go over this watery part and they said this which freaked most people out "please tuck in your legs as there are crocodiles in the water". and then after a while, me and jolene got bored so we took out her handphone to play. and the the vietnamese woman sitting right beside me said to me "you don't like animals? why you not watching?" in english but barely understandable.and when the trap was going to reach the station. jolene just jumped off and ran backwards. stupid girl. then she jumped back on and hurt her knee =(( poor jolene. but crazy jolene. JUMPED OFF A TRAMP, CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT?!then we wanted to go watch the animal show thing but it was full. so we hanged around for a while. then colleen, saacha and jeanette left. then antho, jovan and vanessa left.then megan, me, jolene, hilary, and cabrini went to B&J again, because we were waiting for megan's parents to come and send hilary to the mrt while me and jolene and cabrini are going to her house for a sleepover! COOLIO. and i was really thirsty so i went to buy a drink. and guess how much it cost? $4!! FOR A BOTTLE OF COKE! i don't like the price >=( the we went to the glow and dark shop and jolene saw all the manets which had the merlion and she started dancing the family dance in front of it. one part only though. and then we went back. and finally, her father came.SLEEPOVERi went home first becuase i forgot to take clothes to change and then i took some videos out and we went to megan's house! by the time we reached her hose it was already around 11. and then we decided to have a MOVIE MARATHON! so first we watched flight plan, then we watched step-up!(my fourth time at megan's house watching it)oh man, i can never get sick of the show! and then we watched princess diaries one. and i was so tired, i feel asleep halfway at around 4.30am. megan was sleeping on the couch and shrimp, cabby and i slept on 2 mattresses. jolene was forced to sleep in the middle. =DDDand the whole time, megan and jolene just kept mapling.halfway through the night, woke up because it was so freezing cold. and then i realised i didn't have a blanket any more and jolene stole my blanket. *she denies she did* and then she say we share but the blanket was a little small and then i was still freezing anyway.FRIDAYnext morning, i woke up to the sound of jolene's voice. she said "megan. can i use your laptop? i want to maple." and megan, still very groggy jus mumbled a yes. and then jolene was so noisy that i couldn't go back to sleep. she was lie "megan. how to on your laptop. megan where's your toilet. megan is there somehow i can wash my face?" aiyo. jolene ah jolene. nnoise until cannot noisy already larh. so in the end me and cabrini woke up because of JOLENE NG XIN WEI. >=( and i woke up thinking it was 8.30, and i looked at the clock. 11.30am. i was thinking, WHAT THE?! SO LATE ALREADY?! WHY DOES TIME PAST SO FAST WHEN YOU'RE HAVING FUN?!?!and then me and cabrini watched stepup again. plus all the special features. it was dumb. and then we watched harr potter one but skipped LOADS of borng stuff. and megan and jolene was once again mapling. maple freaks.and then we went to megan's room. and jolene started to play some crap stuff on megan't drum set. and finally she decided to stop and leave to THE PRO, MEGAN PANG. andcabrini was reading her book while me and jolene was playing some really stupid games on the laptop.and then we decided to go cycling. there were two bikes. we borrowed both from lim shuen who lived just opposite. and i was riding with megan. she sat behind me and i rode. IT WAS SO FUN! and shrimp and cabrini weretaking turns to ride the other bike. later, megan decided to go in to maple and shrimp then sat behind me. cabrini refused to sit behind me. then when we went back, megan's mum sent cabrini and jolene back. and i stayed on.i ate dinner at her house and a bird flew into the house while we were eating. then we went back up to her room and we just used the two laptops until 9, which was the time i am to go home. and then i left the hose. ahhhh.. i love that house. big PLASM TV, whole house air-conditioning. but oh well. it's megan's house. not mine. so don't even think about it yorklyn!! okay now i'm so bored i have to resort to talking to myself. i guess i'll stop her now. this post is long enough.THE LONGEST EVER IN MY BLOG.