Monday, April 30, 2007
chocolate posted at 10:58 PM

TOMRROW NO SCHOOL!!! YAY!!! so here i am now, at hamster's house, using her labtop, and watching ghost ship. haha. i watched it twice already but still so exciting. lame ending just ended.
today, shu was discussing if we should ALL go and watch spongebob squarepants live!!!! yay! i love the show! it is retarded and stupid but yet entertaining! =DDD but it's like expensive cause i have to pay myself leh. it's er..$38, $48 and $68. i'm not suppossed to let my parents know that i'm going cause they think it's a waste of money so i have to pay for myself leh.
and the thing is that today is monday and i already used up my whole allowance. rahh. i'm such a spendthrift. but actually, everything i spent is only on one thing which is sensible and essential. FOOD. that's where my whole allowance goes to! i really can't believe it!! ahh!
i can't wait for prison break!!! coming up this thursday. it's so exciting. love it love it love it so!!!
my np uniform needs altering. it's so... big and long. and then we had to put in all our buttons and man, did my finger hurt after that. ( only those in np understand)and then i rememeber going out with jolene to orchard but i can't remember the exact date but i think it as a week back. should be last monday, if i'm not wrong. and then so unlucky lor, raining some more. then we met our ma'amsthere. all thanks to germ.=((( then when we went to go to see them, they just burst out laughing at us. germ said they were laughing at our height difference. big fat meanies. and then i INSISTED on going to cold storage to buy shushi. so we ran under the rain. WITH HEELS. lol. and then stepped into so many puddles. it really pissed me off. running with heels is not exactly very easy you know. then we were like half-dying when we finally got into the train. damn tired la.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
chocolate posted at 9:28 PM

yesterday was sports day and everyone was damn sad because red won instead of green. everyone was so sad. the people in green that is. but congratulations to red though. long time since you guys won isn't it? i already feel quit contented that we won last year but the worst thing was that every other house had 700+ and we only had 500+. but it really doesn't matter because GREEN ARE WINNERS AT HEART!!!!! (quoted this from jolene).
i have a back-up props shirt and we could wear it on sports day. it was so much nicer than the normal family tee. but we DO have privileges. we gave out the props and the drinks and snacks. so cool! =DDD and we could like stand in fron at the railings where the rest has to sit down. when i was in primary school, i hated all those people who stood at the railings cause they block EVERYTHING. but now
this year's sports day was quite terrible actually. it didn't stop raining. except for a little bit. even more rain than last year's. then the whole time jolene was like "stupid rain! now cannot do family dance already!" rain is annoying. at first it drizzled, then rained, then thunder and lightning and then the field was totally flooded.
green doesn't excactly have many fast runners so we didn't get many points for the events. And we could not get more points for family dance too cause the field was all muddy and everything. stupid rain.
in the end, the comm was like very sad and everything cause we got 4th. but i think we got point from the "litter" competition. it's based on who could get the most amount of litter. and so, the primary girls were dismantling all our props. we spent so much effort! pisses me off. and me i saw one girl where she dismantled the props and took out the screws from the cans and put them in her bag. weird huh?
and then off to mcdonals! me, jamster, jolene, kuan, hil, xuan, and joey were laughing like crazy. hillary and jolene went to eat a horrible thing that we made which consisted of chilli, curry sauce,ice milo, stirred with a leftover chicken bone which someone sucked. then she they ate it with fries. at first their face was scrunched up, but then it relaxed and they said "quite nice leh!" i think they're nuts.
then later everyone left except me, joey and jolene. then they said they wanted to go to the playground in the mayflower estate there. then it was around 9+ and so dark. we walked there and then i saw the playground then i didn't want to go there anymore. it was damn dark!
so we went home. i was so tired i feel asleep almost immediately. but although this sports day was the worst. it was fun too.
Friday, April 27, 2007
chocolate posted at 1:24 AM

AHHH! I JUST REALISED THAT NAPFA IS NEXT WEEK! 5items on thursday then 2.4 on friday. i hope i get gold! =DDD i want a 4-year gold award. haha. but my 2.4 is seriously slow! i need to train. everytime i tell myself to skip recess and run 4 rounds. but everytime i'm to lazy to run. =((( and i'm already so heavy i can't get any heavier, or else i'll be in TAF. and they're going to take height and weight immediately after 2.4 run i today is officially sports day!(it's after 12 if you haven't noticed) group members are coming in approximately 7hours. i hope i can wake up later and not oversleep or else christine will MURDER me! sports day whooo!!! *highness* i'm going to scream my lungs out later and you had better too, only those from green. =DDDGO GREEN GO! GO GREEN GO! GO GREEEEEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNN!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
chocolate posted at 4:46 PM

TOMORROW IS SPORTS DAYS!!!! yay! i can't wait! fun fun fun. it'll be hot though. green's in last position, but i know green won't get last after tomorrow! ( i hope). sighs. jean's coming over at 7am tomorrow. crazy woman. IPW. IPW. and more IPW. then later christine megan and vanessa also coming. sighs. i HATE projects. and then off to school we go for SPORTS DAY. so exciting! GO GREEN!!!!chan found our class blog and everyone's panicking about it, afraid that she would sue us. apparently, i think the people who posted wrote some bad stuff about her. but it wasn't our fault! who could she blame but her ownself for being so annoying, rude, disrespectful etc. the list could go on forever. she's always hurling insults at us "are you deaf", "are you stupid" blah blah blah. we MIGHT respect her if she even bothered to respect US in the first place. everyone says she's trying to be nicer, but i seriously doubt it. bloody fucking bitch. go to hell.she was screaming at me the other day when i didn't write my homework on SNG FOOLSCAPE. just because i forgot to bring it home on that day. that's such a rubbish excuse just to satisfy herself to scold me. she's totally annoying. she always thinks that she can control us just by saying "...i will call your parents." she thinks everything can be done by threatening us to tell our parents. but i really like jolyne's and vanessa c's mother. =D chan called them and they both HUNG UP ON HER. yay! the best thing ever. now it's not just us that don't like her, even our parents are agaisnt her. isn't that the best? i was even thinking of signing a petition to get her out of the school. 99% of the sec 1 level hate her like shit. and they all already did when she just came in for like a few weeks and she doesn't even teach them. she always gives her satisfied smirk whenever we do something she doesn't like and she said that she will call up our parents then we follow what she actually wants us to do. and if you ever come to our class to see someone or take something, you have to:1. knock2. greet her properly3. say "please"4. thank her properlyand if you don't say please, she'll just say "what's the magic word?" and you haev to say it as she smirks at you and she just LOVES to torture us. poke us and shove us. say it and she'll do it. but i'm glad she knowsm the WHOLE class hates her.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
chocolate posted at 10:11 PM

i went to amk hub today. with jolene and crystal. and something MAJOR embarassing happened. we went there to eat dinner. and then they said they wanted to go to "NEW YORK NEW YORK" and i was like, "what's that?" (haha. i super blur.) then they brought me there. i thought it was some fast=food thingy. and then when i sat down at the chair with them, THEN i realised it was a restaurant! then we went to eat, we counted our money and realised we had enough, but we didn't count the GST! so when we were supppossed to pay up, they asked for $5 extra. we were damn shocked. we hurry took out ALL our money and luckily, the money was EXCACTLY $5. damn heng lor. then we were in school uniform. haha. then SO EMBARASSING! =/then the other day we went for the table tennis competition thing. and it was damn hot. there were at least 6 schools all squished together in a hall. chung cheng main. at then jolyne and chantel kept oggling at the boys. =DDD haha. despo despo. and then me and colleen, jolyne and rosanne went to the "toilet". we spent like 20min down there and finally escaped the clutches of the heat.there's this particular person who probably kept thinking that we were primary ones."stand in twos. no eating in the bus. no eating in the hall. if you want to go to the toilet, you have to come and see ME. give me your nametags if you want to go to the toilet." sheesh. so annoying.i had my ting xie today. and for the first time, i think i'm going to pass it! studied damn hard for it. i'm so glad that the work paid off.
Monday, April 16, 2007
chocolate posted at 11:09 PM

HAHAHAHA. we are going to skip c-lit tomorrow!!! thanks to the table tennis competitions thingy. the principal says something like every class have to attend one cca's competition because they don't have enough supporters. and so we are here!so sad. the swing in the playground of the school broke. =(((. no more swing.and i'm confirm going to the hangzhou and huangshan trip already! =DDD yay! we reserved places aside so yay for me! i hope it'll be as fun as primary 5's trip!
Monday, April 09, 2007
chocolate posted at 6:44 PM

this may be alittle late megan. sorry. didn't have chance to use the computer.=((( sorry! but anyway...
sorry it's er...2 days late. but i hope you like my present, don't forget to include shrimp!(she'll get angry*=DDD oh! and my card too! haha. today went to megan's house to do project, but in the end, we ended up slacking quite alot. but it ain't our fault! so don't blame us christine! but we did complete our work (thank god).
i watched TMNT on friday too! TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES! and rosanne was so funny. before the movie she said she hated turtles. and totally disapproved of us watching this movie. but then after the movie, she came out shouting, "I LOVE TURTLES! I LOVE TURTLES!" and she was shouting SUPER LOUDLY. and everyone around us could hear. because we were all squeezing out of the exit when she said that.
and for those 6 purity '06 girls who haven't seen my MSN nick or are no longer in st. nicks. i have an announcement to make: *ahem*
there. got it? so, everyone must tell me ASAP! if not i can't book the chalet. understand? good. now that i've made it clear and i'm sure i went to all the 6p st.nicks girls class this morning and informed you guys that i need to get an answer tomorrow, have i not? so i should have one tomorrow? haha. sorry for making you guys rush so much. it's just that i want to get this thing over and done with. =((( sorry.
and megan, once again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! LOVE YA ALWAYS.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
chocolate posted at 10:17 PM

yay! ! i finally watched one movie. i have no idea why i'm so happy but i just am! i watched... THE NUMBER 23. so cool! love the movie. the suspense, the plot, everything! and then me and jolene wen to count all the numbers related to us. and we realised that 1+9+9+4=23 so cool right? HAHAHA. i'm very high now. i didn't have chinese remedial today. =DDDi have fitting for my NP uniform tomorrow. squad is excited. =))). and then i got new orange specs. "you look damn weird"my sister says. HEHE. mr choo is damn lame. today in class, he went," i'm lame. you're lame. everybody's lame!" and he burst out laughing to himself. i don't know what i'm saying anymore. so i shall just end here.THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME