Wednesday, March 28, 2007
chocolate posted at 6:02 PM

i want to watch movies!!!!! there's so many nice movies going on now but nobody go out with me. i want to watch primeval, stomp the yard, number23 and a few more.and starting from today, i have 3 chinese lessons every wednesday. shittified. there's chinese in school. then i have chinese rememdial. then i have chinese tuition in 25min. stupid chinese. whole day also chinese. sighs.everybody's making new blogskins. and so am i! coming up soon! yay! *dances around the room*and this saturday, i'm going to miss the science centre trip AGAIN. and AGAIN it's because of YCS. but i don't care. i can go next term! =DDD oh, but i do have a swimming competetion next saturday. and it's super early. 8am in the morning and then i have to wake up at 7 IN THE MORNING. sighs. so early.THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Saturday, March 24, 2007
chocolate posted at 10:53 PM

yesterday was games day for NPCC. and we had games, obviously. and the first game was a skit. and that's when drama comes in to full use. and for that thing. we won first prize! yay! then later was this puzzle thing. which we don't know got what prize. 2nd i think. not sure. and then there was this thing where you have 5min to write a speech on a topic that they will give you. and we got 3rd for that. lousy right?i know. but we did get a medal for that. 5 of us(those who participated). i was really happy, and i still am. cause that was my very FIRST medal. pathetic?yeah. but i don't care. at least i DID get something. yay! =DDD. jolene was super happy too. in fact, EVERYONE WAS VERY HAPPY! THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Thursday, March 22, 2007
chocolate posted at 3:18 PM

sorry i haven't posted for such a long time. been really busy. anyway, during the holidays from monday to wednesday, we had YCS march camp! =DDD there were like loads of fun stuff. but the thing i didn't expect was night walk. and then me and jeanette were both very scared cause melvyn couldn't stop scaring us. stupid melvyn. but in the end it was quite fun. i shan't go into details. and then we had some "water" games, even though i didn't get wet, at all. and then there was also was some teachings of god. it was really quite sian. overall, i think it was the company that added the life to the camp. or else it wouldn't be what it is cause most of it was like last-minute. i want to take this chance to thank all the people that made the camp so fun!=DDDoh and then my e-learning was finally over. but they kept on extending it so it ends on sunday night i think. i skipped tuition last night. this new chinese tuition. i totally forgot i had it! so i didn't go. lol. i hope they don't call up my father. cause i didn't go last week either. i hate that tuition. the han language centre thingy. you won't understand what the teachers are saying. cause they're all from china and they have a funny slang which makes it hard to understand. bleh. conclusion? tuition sucks.and then on tuesday night, there was a performance for all drama girls to go watch. it was some stupid thing that cost me $15. but it wasn't that good. most of them were whites. so they had to use all those cheem words which we couldn't understand. that made most of the performance boring. plus the area was super small and we didn't have enough seats. so we had to compact together. luckily, i wasn't that squashed.=)))oh! and there's also some talent show thing and games day tomorrow at NP! we'll be going to deyi sec. yay! all the sec 1s are super excited about it!=DDD heh. including me.i missed cheer audition yesterday.=(( and that was the second time. first time i had NPCC. then yesterday i had chinese retest for ting xie. arghh. *bangs head on table* i don't get it. why do they always have to put the audition on a day that i can't make it?! and the worst thing is i could have made it yesterday. my teacher was supposed to test my ting xie yesterday after school. so i wated for her. and waited. and waited. but she didn't turn up! so actually i could have gone for the audition!='((( i shall post no more.THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Thursday, March 08, 2007
chocolate posted at 9:55 AM

i have no school today! and tomorrow! and next week! woohoo. today is e-learning day, and so is tomorrow. the school's trying a new system, that is don't go to school. but stay home and do homework on your computer. which is super troublesome. but i REALLY don't mind.and next week is FINALLY the march holidays. and there was suppossed to be a NPCC camp but it got postponed. everyone was so sad. but no worries, i still have a YCS camp!=Dit's going to be fun! ahh. i like secondary life.(except the tests). i got f9 for history though. pftt. based on the stupid indian king assignment only. i did the wrong research. instead of finding the family tree i found the information on one king.-_-"well, back to stupid e-learning. which takes damn long to load.THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME