Friday, February 23, 2007
chocolate posted at 10:28 PM

it may be a little later. but happy CNY people. just finished geog project. handed in one day late. history project is 3 days late. oh well, i failed my ting xie 26/100. teacher says she will just quiz us one day. and if you fail again, you have to keep trying until you finally pass. lalabumdedumdeboo. i'm trying out for cheer. and i'm the only sec 1. sad. first got 4 other people then they one by one quit larh. then only i so determined to join.=D BAHAHA. i'm's too early. i can't sleep. let's do something random! example.labumdeboom.lalalala.bumbumdeboom.chikachikachika.popcorn.dededededededededum. sigh. i'm bored.THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME
Friday, February 02, 2007
chocolate posted at 9:40 PM

i forgot to mention something in my last post. i went to the night safari a few weeks back. and it was so dark!and freaky. cause only four people were in there. that is me, my sister, and my other 2 cousins. we watched a show there. that comes with the ticket. and then my cousin lost his phone moments after the show. we immediately called it but it was already off. so now we can confirm that someone has offed it.and then we had no camera! i mean there was. but then at first we didn't know how to change the mode to night mode. cause it was new. and then when we finally changed the mood, the battery went flat! ahhh!anyway, i did outdoor cooking in NPPC today. it was so fun! or group was the best teamwork group! yay! but then we owe them 39 push-ups. but then we can cancel it if we do better in our next activity! yay!THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME