Monday, December 25, 2006
chocolate posted at 8:24 PM

I don't want a lot for Christmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about presents
Underneath the christmas tree
I don't need to hang my stocking
There upon the fireplace
Santa Claus won't you make me happy
With a toy on Christmas day
I just want you for own
More than you could ever know
Make my wish come true
All I want for Christmas is you...You baby
i had a great christmas eve! i went to my cousin's house. and then we ate the food my aunt made, and she is SUCH a great cook!!! and then we went to play my cousin's PS2!
and there was this game that we all LOVED so much! called "God Of War". it's so fun! even those are not playing, is like also very....excited? aiya, i don't know how to describe it.
eitherwise, I HAD A GREAT TIME!
but today is horrible. really horrible. we, meaning my family and i, did nothing in particular. all we did was went out for lunch at a normal hawker centre nearby and my sister wanted to buy something, so we went to ang mo kio central. then, we went to the world of sports shop and all i said was i wanted to buy a new school bag, because no way am i going to use the big fat orange square ugly orange bag as a secondary one student!(those who were in my class this year, SHOULD know)
and then my dad was like "it keeps your spine straight, and your books won't bend. then what do you want? a bag so small?" he put his hands like bout, 15cm apart. i said no and rolled my eyes, but obviously he didn't see. "your hands should be free so that if you fall, you can push yourself off the ground." he went on and on and on. but i didn't hear anything he said after this. then i went to the bags section in the shop, and chose a bag that was okay and i asked him if i could buy it. and then all he could say, exasperated, was "this bag is not even square! your books will surely bend! and there is no side pocket for your water bottle!" arghh... he so pisses me off.
then i purposely chose a one which has a cardboard to keep it a little square and my books won't bend. and also with a pocket for the water bottle. i thought this would do it. but then when i asked him again, he said"is this very nice?" i just turned and put it back without saying a word or looking at him. what is his bloody problem?! thank god my sister whispered to me that she could let me have her bag, which is much better than my current one, when we were walkiong back to the car.
it may be dirty, and a little spoilt, since she's already used it for 4 years, but at least it's better than the bag i have now. THE RANDOMNESS
but the point is christmas eve is so much better then christmas itself.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
chocolate posted at 5:13 PM

today was posting day. and MOST of us are coming back to st.nicks! yay! it's better to hang around with people you are familiar with than with people you aren't.
sigh. i made a bet with joey that we reported to the new school on the 23rd. but today they announced that it was tomorrow(22nd). sigh. my $2..... some of you may think "aiya. $2 only!" but now i'm so desperate for money that even $0.10 counts.
saw the news last night, at least i think it was last night. there was a flood near thomson road, at the flower shop called er...."GOODWOOD FLORIST". they said the water level was till their waists. and they managed to save 100++ of the kind of things where they put things in this big big plastic and they pass it to you? nevermind if you don't know what it is. and they found a "miraculous" discovery. according to them. there was a fish swimming in the flood. so cool. i wonder how it got there? it couldn't have dropped from the sky, could it? or how bout from a drain? you know finding nemo, they could go in the sewer? oh but that went to the sea. oh well.
and there was another flood somewhere, don't know where. but they found another fish. its raining fish!
i'm going for another cooking class today. i hope this is better. but i don't really think it is. the coach remains the same. and the worst thing is she speaks in chinese. i never know the names of the chinese ingredients. it's so hard to understand. but tnoight. we're making cake!!!american rich chocolate cake! and swiss roll. yummy. we get to eat that for dinner. but i'll probably be the youngest. luckily my sister and her friends is also going.
i blab too much. THE RANDOMNESS
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
chocolate posted at 1:02 PM

christmas's getting nearer. posting of new school day is getting nearer. reporting to new school day is getting nearer. 2007 is getting nearer. sigh.
i'm bored. there's nothing to do. but i AM going to watch ERAGON tomorrow. heard it's not that good though. doesn't really follow the book. my sister said they cut out like almost half of the book. and it was quite short. so the point being, that it was horrible.
i want to go on a holiday so much!!! the last time i went was i think 2004, i went to phuket. tsunami year. sad sad. stupid lucky jiahui. going on 2 holidays?! that will NEVER happen to me. rich rich jiahui. sheesh. the furthest place i've ever been to is china. during the school trip last year. and that was only once. and the only other places i've ever been to is thailand, australia and obviously, malaysia. sobs. THE RANDOMNESS
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
chocolate posted at 10:15 PM

i went for my cooking class on monday. and i was the oldest! so embarrasing! and then the teacher asked me to take care of the other 21 kids. sheesh. and then we went to cook the brownie. it was more of a cake acctually. it was real nice. but when we were cooking, the smell was terrible! all i could smell was a horrible mixture of egg with butter and other horrible stuff. yuck!
then we went on to ice-cream making. it was terrible. we were supposed to make it. but then we didn't get to do anything. we just sat there chatting. i was talking to this ex-st.nicks girl. p4 this year. she transferred to raffles for GEP. don't like her. she was being such a smart-alec ans making corny jokes then i HAD to pretend to laugh at, or else i would seem too rude. well, back to the ice-cream making. she just did her own things, as if we weren't there. they when she was done. she scooped a little into each cup and pass them out to everybody. is THAT how we're supposed to learn ice-cream?!?! and then when i tried the ice-cream, it was horrible. thier definition of ice-cream is COLD WHIPPED CREAM! ewwww. i didn't want to eat anymore. i gave it to my maid. she said it was nice.
i only like the brownie, so does my family, those who tried it i mean. the ice-cream just sucked.
life's getting more and more boring each day. i can't go out cause there's no one to go out with and germaine's currently in chengrai(that how you spell it?)but even if she wasn't, it would make no difference. she's out ALL day. seriously. those of you who have sisters SHOULD know. i still don't get it. why do they have so much freedom and why do we not?
Friday, December 08, 2006
chocolate posted at 3:34 PM

sheesh. all the free channels from SCV are gone. you know, those that they let you watch for free for a while, then they cancel those out? yea, that. now the only few channels left are those boring ones, like discovery channel and stuff. my disney channel's gone. sigh. i love cartoon. so cute! heh.
and now i can't have ice-skating lessons, plus i gave up on ELDDS as my secondary CCA. i went on to swimming, much better. i changed my mind after what no. 67 told me. she said all the ELDDS people very stuck-up and even though they aren't acting at that moment, they still act like their acting. know what i mean? i guess not. and i think i'm doing releativelywell in swimming, BUT i haven't swam in months! so i don't know how i'm doing now. bu the thing fojr swimming is that first you have to join a club, then you have training every day and it's twice a day, or something like that. but that's for school team. non-school team? not sure.
i like no. 07's cooking. but i don't know why, i had stomachache the next day. the food maybe? or maybe too much soft drinks? i had like 3 cans of coke and 2 can of pepsi yesterday. but either way, her food is very nice and i like it, especially the french onion soup(is that what it's called?) but i don't like the onion. oh, and her cookies are the very best! and carrie(no idea how to spell) was being an idiot. play mahjong, play until so blur. zha hu.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
chocolate posted at 1:13 PM

RAH. i'm going to sign up for a cooking class today. very unlike me? i don't know. i seriously LOVE cooking. and then i'm going to make chocolate brownies, ice-cream making, swiss roll and american rich chocolate cake. yum! at yio chu kang community centre.
ahhh! i want an ipod!my mum said she will buy for me, but with my bank money.=(((. and then last night when i asked her, she said she never promised me that and she won't buy for me. next time, maybe but i'm going to keep on pleading her. until she agrees.
recently, i've been totally in love with these songs. check them out?
Never Be Replaced-First Lady(don't mind the background, couldn't find the music video)
Lips Of An Angel-Hinder(it sounds a little different from limewire, but thats the best i could find. don't mind the actions of the main singer and the background singing)
Hotel California-Eagles(don't mind the intro)
Cleaning Out My Closet-EminemTake Your Sweet Time-Jesse McCartney(there was no other video, and this is the only one that has the full song, so don't mind the background)
White Flag-Didothese songs are hard to find! whew! anyway, enjoy!for me, anyway.
Friday, December 01, 2006
chocolate posted at 9:17 PM

YAY! I feel so happy today. My mother decided to give me $50 if i pack up my table, which is super messy. i'm so desperate for money right now. RAH. i can't wait to receive my $50! FINALLY, more money!
my sister went out last night, and spent the whole night walking around orchard road with her sec4 friends. after the prom you see. then tomorrow, she's going to a chalet to sleepover. i really am so jealous of them. so much freedom and always staying out late and stuff. you get what i mean? ahhh...if only I could be so free and just waltz in and out of the house, going anywhere i want. i mean, with money from the parents of course.
anyway, off to clean up my table! can't wait fo the $50!THE RANDOMNESS ENGULFES ME