Saturday, August 19, 2006
chocolate posted at 10:19 PM

finally the psle oral is over! one less big thing to worry bout!well, let me tell you bout the oral.
-picture is about a giraffe enclosure and the passage is about a girl who found a toothpick in rabbit's paw which was in the school garden.
-had 2 female teachers
-stumbled over the word"hastily"
-picture is about a class having art lesson and passage is about
-a male and a female examiner
-don't know hot to say "paintbrush" and "paint"
-couldn't stop stuttering
oh well, this is over! but there's still the papers!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
chocolate posted at 2:23 PM

AHHHH...HELP! THE PSLE IS JUST TOMORROW! oh, what am i to do? tomorrow is english and then the following day is chinese!! oh no... how? suddenly, i feel so nervous. i didn't really revise! not good. the worst thing is we don't even know the teacher! well, if we knew them, it would make things so much easier! if only we knew them.
but at least there is A good news to tell. i'm finally lv 30 and a cleric in maple......yay? i can see jiahui's expression so vividly in my mind anyway i have to go practise my vocals.
Monday, August 07, 2006
chocolate posted at 4:21 PM

YAY!!! I FINALLY GOT MY HANDPHONE BACK!well, let me tell you the story..
it all began on firday which was our prelim oral.i ought my handphone which i was not suppossed to bring but i didn't know because i didn't go for the briefing,wedenesday.i didn't go to school cause of the stupid piano exam! so they confiscated my phone!
they wanted to keep it till next monday. but then lukily, 2 parents called up and grace ho also went to ask to return it today. then they finally agreed.
another good point is that they wanted to ask our parents to come to school specially to collect it but then they changed, after the begging, to that they only need a letter from their parents.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
chocolate posted at 12:50 PM

what am i going to do? oh no! i'm gonna fail my exam! i played so many wrong keys! stupid piano, so hard! stupid me! i was like shit. and i was so retarded to go and ask "may i repeat?" she gave me that weird look and shaked her head. nonono. bad impression. how? die. sighs. nothing more to talk about.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
chocolate posted at 7:51 PM

---my grade 5 piano exam is like tomorrow! i fell so friggin nervous! you have no idea at all! what if i get a scary examiner or something? what can i do? my friend told me that she almost failed once cause she got this stupid examiner that kept on mumbling so she couldn't hear and then she played wrongly!HOW?
---the prelim is on FRIDAY! 3 days away!!!so scary. i haven't really studied. but i think i'm quite determined NOW, i think. NOT SURE. i have been studying. but in the night that is! then go to school next morning and sleep. ESPECIALLY IN MR LUI'S CLASS!SO EASY TO SLEEP.
---life sucks.
---i don't have school tomorrow because of piano exam in the morning.
sigh....nothing good is happening! except the above mentioned.