Saturday, May 13, 2006
chocolate posted at 11:47 PM

my father went to bangkok yesterday and is coming home on monday, so i can play the computer for a really long time yay!!!! but i didn't really play lor, sis was using whole time...
anyway, today so sleep lor. last night slept at 3:30 lor. so tired. me and my freinds had a movie marathon last night, watched 4 movies in a row lor. i not stupid 2, nanny mcphee, wallace and gromit and cheaper by the dozen and then i today watch ghost ship. watch so many movies. lol.
ghost ship so stupid lor, not good one.
but then nanny mcphee is super nice lor. i so wanna watch again.
then the wallace and gromit so lame then this germaine kept insisting on watching it and then almost everyone got bored and then they slept then only me and my two other sisters left watching. then the show end, then we all got so bored, we just like slept.then if you see then is like all 5 of us sleeping in the living room. one on the floor, and then 4 of us squezze on the couch. it was so funny
then i think i feel so carefree when my father is not at home. haveing so much freedom. if not he sure scold me everyday one lor for playing the computer everytime.
by the way, advice to all friends.
so if you wanna get a gift, get it before tomorrow ends. and remember to wish her or do something for her. lol. you better listen, because...she is the one that brought you into this world.....i sound so but ya, no matter what, just get her something cause remmber she is the one that brought you into the world to see the beautiful things on earth. so-called beautiful but some things just aren't.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
chocolate posted at 10:29 PM

the exams finally over lor... as in
FINALLY .... but the last paper
today,maths, was the most difficult lor, and then this mrs hum la, all her fault la, so fast give back our paper.....we juz do in the morning then after recess then give sad lor...i get quite low lor......then this stupid sijia beat me lor.
oh ya....i got back my science paper too, but it is so much worse then i expected lor...i got like 20 marks lower than sijia.,i don't get it,why does she ALWAYS have to beat me one. Aiya, what to do la, how to tell parents like that. Sure kill me one lor.
but i am so glad that exams is finally over lor, my brain power all used up liao, but acctually i think i didn't use much of it either.
thank goodness that tomorrow no school lorm then don't need to see results if not sure they will give back one. anyway, i will post tomorrow so be glad i am doing this (jiahui and sijia expecially). Acctually, i wouldn't post for a really long time if i wanted but these 2 ppl everytime will go and disturb me so i have no choice lor.....all you ppl's fault. Nothing more to say.
adeus my freinds!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
chocolate posted at 10:18 PM

After much complaining from SOME PEOPLE, i have FINALLY decided to post..... haha...... you PEOPLE happy now?? If you are not, too bad then!lolx.....
Exams coming nearer le.... this thursday got hiher chinese zuo wen, and the worst thing is i haven started studying yet!!! And this stupid sijia always beat me in her work lor...don't like her la.....
The thing i don't understand about her is that she sleeps late every night then wakes up early next morning but she never ever feels tired or has any eyebags!!! not fair.....i have liao...seroius eyebags and it pisses me off......
by the way....
i know i am a bit lag la but i don't care....... This is the first time that green house won in 5 years \!!!! It is my last year as a primary student and finally green house won!!! But i can confirm that green house will not win next year....especially with wen jun and winsy gone and all the faster runners in green house....and allthe p5 are so bloody irritating!!!! Including being slow...
They were sitting in front of me, sijia and jolene then they keep raising thair stupid pompoms blocking our pissing, then we were like....."What is the problem with them la, keep on raising their pompoms, think very nice meh?"(especially jolene)i think they heard us but then they still keep on raising their pompoms and i was so PISSED with them!!!!